Naomi Cherono’s balancing act between protecting Egerton University’s Security and safeguarding her Future

Naomi Cherono’s balancing act between protecting Egerton University’s Security and safeguarding her Future

Right at the entrance of Egerton University, Nakuru Town Campus College stands an astute Naomi Cherono, firm on the job. Every day, she braves the cold weather to turn up for her morning shift that extends to 6:00 pm after which she unpacks her books and heads for class – the classes to which she stood guard for twelve hours.

The tenacity with which she implements her duties as a security guard is replicated in class despite the fatigue that comes with the job. Notwithstanding the fee challenges she faces, Ms. Cherono, who is a Library and Information Science student, hopes to graduate this year.

Ms. Cherono wants to prove that getting a D in KCSE is not the end of the road.

She shares that being a security guard cum student leaves little to no time to relax. She wakes up at 4 am to study and complete my assignments and by 7 am, reports to her place of work at Egerton University Nakuru Town Campus College.

The Egerton University Vice-Chancellor Prof. Rose A. Mwonya commends Ms. Cherono for overcoming odds to pursue her dreams stating that she (Prof. Rose A. Mwonya) started from a diploma and rose to the position of Vice-Chancellor of Egerton University.

With enough determination and sheer commitment, anything is possible.

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