Career team in Kakamega and Busia Counties

Career team in Kakamega and Busia Counties

Egerton University career team had a tour of Kakamega and Busia counties on Sept 13-14, 2019. The career team, led by the Director International Linkages and Career Services - Dr. C.W. Recha embraced on high schools students to make Egerton University their university of choice. Dr. Recha informed students that Egerton University was a reputable institution with a rich history of agricultural training, has embraced experiential learning in all her diverse and market driven academic programmes. “Not making it to university is not the end of school. Egerton University has diploma level programs that you can pursue,” Dr. Recha declared. The students were also made aware of the scholarship opportunities available for needy and bright students. After presentations, the career team distributed brochures of academic programmes, gave out assorted gifted (pens and wrist bands) to students. The schools visited were Koyonzo Boys, Koyonzo Girls, St. Peters Mumias (Kakamega County), Nambale Boys and Sigalame Boys (Busia county). On behalf of Egerton University, the career team is grateful to the management of all these schools for giving us audience.

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